Posted February 7, 2011 at 10:40 pm
That is SO what he would say, that dickhole.
KB will be temporarily moving to a Tuesday-only update schedule while I finish the second half of the quarter (as well as the BOOK, oho) and go to Emerald City Comic Con and such. Did you know I'd be there? I'm gonna be hanging out at the PVP booth with Scott! Is anyone else going huh huh?
Meanwhile I'll be doing those Thursday blog posts again, showing the stuff I'm working on in school and what have you. Because someone must enjoy them somewhere!
I really hate to move the schedule back, especially since I recently broke 2000 readers and I really don't want to drop back down! Not that 2000 is a whole lot in the scheme of things, but it might be more than I deserve! Thank you everyone for putting up with my BS so patiently! You all get season RBL passes!
EDIT: Oh, And thank you for all your suggestions and advice regarding the book : ) This is a very fly-by-the-seat-of-my-pants kind of operation, and your input has been invaluable.